The History of Kappa Alpha Psi and the Kappa Xi Chapter

Founded on Achievement
Kappa Alpha Psi ®, a college Fraternity, was born in an environment saturated in racism. The state of Indiana became the 19th state of the Union in 1816 and it founded Indiana University in Bloomington four years later. This city was largely populated by settlers from below the Mason-Dixon line and therefore found many sympathizers of the Southern cause. Consequently, the few Blacks who took up residence in Bloomington in those early years were socially ostracized and encountered extreme acts of prejudice and discrimination. The state of Indiana became a stronghold for the Ku Klux Klan. Their intolerance toward Blacks fueled the negative mindset of other Whites residing there. Vigilante lynchings of Blacks were commonplace. This environment made day-to-day life for Blacks an arduous task and attempts to successfully achieve in school, nearly impossible. Despite the growing hostility of Whites toward Blacks in Indiana, some Black students sought a college education at Indiana University, as it was a tuition-free university of the highest quality. However, few Blacks could remain longer than a year or so without having to withdraw in search of employment.
Kappa Alpha Psi (ΚΑΨ) is a collegiate Greek-letter fraternity with a predominantly African-American membership. Since the fraternity's founding on January 5, 1911 at Indiana University Bloomington, the fraternity has never limited membership based on color, creed or national origin. The fraternity has over 160,000 members with 721 undergraduate and alumni chapters in every state of the United States, and international chapters in the United Kingdom, Germany, South Korea, Japan, United States Virgin Islands, Nigeria, and South Africa.
KaThe fraternity was founded as Kappa Alpha Nu on the night of January 5, 1911, by ten African-American college students. The decision upon the name Kappa Alpha Nu may have been to honor the Alpha Kappa Nu club which began in 1903 on the Indiana University campus but had too few registrants to effect continued operation. The organization known today as Kappa Alpha Psi was nationally incorporated under the name of Kappa Alpha Nu on May 15, 1911. The name of the organization was changed to its current name in 1915, shortly after its creation.

Chapter History
The Kappa Xi chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc was founded December 12, 1980 on the campus of North Carolina State University at Raleign North Carolina by brothers of the Gamma Omicron Chapter: Crawford E. Lane, Jr. Richard White, Dwayne K. Patterson, Keith Hamilton, and Robert Moore; Theta Omicron Chapter: Allison Jones, Ron Cherry, Otis Truitt, and Ron Hyatt; as well as brothers of the Delta Gamma Chapter: Chris Gooden, Joey Hunter, Glen Adams, and William Burrell.
The Kappa Xi chapter is a part of the Middle Eastern Province of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
Our Lineage
* Notates chapter invisible (Brother has passed away)Fall '19
Jaylen Bailey
Elijah Virachittevin
Malik Graddy
Seedy Darboe
Joshua Wilson
Taquan Porter
Teshaun Smith
Isaiah Stallings
Fall '17
Nicholas MIntz
Matthew Lee
Cameron Jarvis
Kenton Gibbs
Spring '17
Jamerson Pearson
Cedric Craig
Rodney Jarret
Lamin Darboe
Fall '15
Amani Manning
Jalen Feaster
Jeffery Matthews
Jaylon Alexander
Marc Jackson
Isaiah Davis
Jalen Neal
Sean Calloway
Fall '13
Christopher Belton
Selwyn Gooding
Kelly Darden III
Krystopher McRae
Alec Virgil
Joseph McRae
Spring '12
Sean Langston Jr.
Jonathan Beasley
Altarique Murphy
Luther Dawkins III
Miles Payton
Paul Harmon
Chisom Anen
Kareem Williams
Justin Ferguson
Spring '10
Brandyn Moss
Travis Neal
Darryl Coleman Jr
Jarrod Worrell
Yeremiah Cruz
Spring '11
Andrew Reid
Jamell CullerI
Justin Wilson
Brandon Mitchell
Trevian White
Terrance Sharpe
Quintin Payton
Spring '09
Colton Palmer
Cozell McQueen III
Reginald Parks Jr.
Chaz McQueen
Roland B. Reid
Christopher Gaddy
Franklyn Simmons
Spring '08
Earnhart Joyner
Brandon Raleigh
Robert Perry
Roland Martin
Terrence Patterson
Spring '07
Silas Craig
Jeremy Thomas
Tyrone Cannon
Jalil Dozier
Philip Kelly
Warren Perry
Ronald Johnson Jr.
Derrell Vann
Kyrone Nebolisa
Charles Jones
Brian Hammonds
Brian Goins
Xavier King
Spring '03
Jermaine Blount
Frantz Dorestant Jr.
Jon Rolle
Andre Adams
Fall '01
Shandale Best
Eddie Arhagba
Jerry Fletcher
Conen Morgan
Spring '01
William Johnson
Justin Smith
Jolon Shields
Keith Gray
Jonathon Lewis
Chris Johnson
Wes Thomas
Spring 2000
Warte Moore
David Simmons
Jay Tillman
Rodney Wideman
Jessie Johnson
Joe Brim
Duke Benton
Spring '99
Corey Johnson
Marcus McCoy
Corey Lewis
Desmond Hinton
Patrick Clemons
Spring '98
Timothy Sherrod
Tony Simmons
Joseph Evans
Trey Williams
Luis Giron
Spring '96
Lilton Moore
Rodney Watson
Sean Sessoms
Kenneth McLaughlin
Jerelle Gainey
Dale Burkett
Reginald Degraffenreaidt
Carlton Sapp
Spring '94
Jermaine McKinley
Patrick Holt
Leroy Kelsey
Johnny McQueen
Ron Crawford
Craig Boston
Clayton Reynolds
Devi Dixon
Brian Smith
Fall '92
Adrain Cameron
Johnny Harrington
Jesse Lee Brown
Anthony Baldwin
Mario Barnes
Fall '91
Joseph Bous
Robert Corbett
Leon Duncan
Olanda Carr Jr.
Montoya Brown
Charles Stowe*
Fall '89
Lee Casey
Jamal Summey
Thomas Bryan
Haywood Campbell
Scott Hunter
Chuck Darvin
Demetrius Taylor
Carl Stevens
Spring '89
Corey Carter
Fall '87
Brian Dudley
Tim Rodgers
J. Elliott Pritchett
Roderick Barnes
Spring '87
Bryan Burnette
Mike Vereen
Darin Alston
Denis Suggs
Derreck Wright
Darrell Johnson
Spring '86
Raymond Byrd
Wendell Brown
Derrick Barnes
John Powell Jr.
Arnold Pittman
James Jeffers
Greg Hardy
Spring '85
Gartha Ingram III
James Gear
Darryl Massenburg
Cleveland Parker
Marvin Credle
Ivan Johnson Jr.
Nathan Cousar *
Christopher Young
Spring '84
Mark Bullock
Michael Johnson
Ron Byrd
Kevin Dillahunt*
Ed Lee
Jason Richmond
Hubert Bowden Jr.
Ron Green
Jerry Carmichael
Fall '82
Reginald Dorsey
Kenny McKee
Kenneth Smith
Karl Spruill
Bernard McDougal
Fall '81
James Alston
Kim Dula
Steve Williamson
Danny McLean*
Steve Alston
John Blue
Fall '80
Maurice Dixon
Bill Pickney
Wayne Jarvis
Spring '80
Chris Gooden
Joey Hunter
Glen Adams
William Burrell
Spring '79
Al Jones
Ron Cherry
Otis Truitt
Ron Hyatt
Fall '78
Robert Moore
Fall '77
Keith Hamilton
Spring '76
Dwayne Patterson
Spring '75
Richard White
Fall '73
Crawford Lane